Judy came and did a workshop for our group Running with Scissors. I must say this lady is simple Amazing! She is 70 years young and is a force. She must get more done in a week than I produce all year.
This belongs to my friend Tonya that was able to take the class, she focused on the fabric weaving and embelishing. I can't wait to see this piece completed.
She also taught her version of a lonestar, I love how she used the border fabric and grabbed onto the dot theme and ran with it. I would never have thought to use the peach fabric in this way. When I was in the fabric store yesterday I found myself looking at bigger prints in a whole new way.
Sorry for the poor picture, but this gal doesn't stand still for more than 5 seconds.
She also did some teaching of machine quilting.....I know, all this in one day?? Like I said, Amazing. Fantastic doodles for a kids quilt.
This is some more of her thread work, this may have also had some fabric painting on it.
This was my very favorite!
If you ever have the opportunity to take a class from her, DO IT. She is funny, creative and a very lovely lady.
As always, a seam a day, keeps the blues away.
Judy is really an extraordinary person! She's in the Busy Bees guild with me, and she's really a hoot and SOOOO talented! I don't know if she showed her quilt "Funny Farm", but I have a friendship block in that quilt. I'm taking your advise and trying to do a seam a day...for myself, not just for customers. :)