Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The last from the MQ show

This is one of Carrie U's little beauties.  Sorry for the poor photo, I must have been standing on one foot.
This belongs to Verna T.  Made for her by the guild for serving as our President.  Designed by Betsy S, put together by Rose and Betsy and quilted by Jo B.
I'm sorry to say I don't know who this belongs to, but it is fab...the colors almost move.
Another of Carrie's.....the title was "what was I thinking"  Love the bright color and the wonkyness. 
We had a vintage section this year which is one of my loves, and a close up of all the little pieces, because that is another one of my loves.
Sorry to say that is it for the pictures.  Not for lack of wonderful art and artist, I tend to get so absorbed in looking I forget I have a camera dangling from my wrist.
Enjoy and remember.....a seam a day keeps the blues away!


  1. I love the last one--like tumbling blocks!

  2. It's mine! Glad you like it. It was a Kaffe pattern called "The Big Bang" that was supposed to be much bigger but I got tired of all the diamonds so I stopped and re-named it "Baby Bang".
